Payday 2 how to mod
Payday 2 how to mod

payday 2 how to mod

Then you’ll earn the respect a bank robber of your stature deserves. You’ll earn more money and soon enough you’ll reach the Infamy Rank in-game.

payday 2 how to mod

But the world’s banks and safes are yours to grab and soon you’ll climb the criminal ladder. You start small, with a minor arsenal and a few masks. Get some friends together or just join an online game, either way, you’ll be part of a crew where each player counts, each weapon pick can be crucial and teamwork is vital if you want to get rich. This is a treat to all those who’s supported us and has been engaged in the world of PAYDAY.

payday 2 how to mod

That means that those owning PAYDAY 2 will never have to pay a dime to get new content – and that includes weapons, characters, and heists. NEW DLC and content coming to PAYDAY 2 will be 100% free. From now on, we’re changing the way PAYDAY 2 content has been distributed.

Payday 2 how to mod